Bouncing Ball- Animate

 In this lesson, we learned to make a bouncing ball animation in Adobe Animate. I will go over how to make this.

First, you have to make the document. Make sure its ActionScript 3.0 

Next, select the Oval tool (or press o) and then make
the outline transparent and add any fill colour.
Draw a circle while holding shift to get an accurate circle.

Once your ball is done, use the basic selection tool (shortcut V) to select the ball before going to Modify > Convert to Symbol. Name it appropriately and ensure that the type is set to graphic. 

Go to the timeline at layer 2, select frame 45
 and right-click and select insert frame 
and lock the layer 2

Go to the timeline at layer 2, select frame 1 and right-click and select insert keyframe and select enable union skin mode

You should see a faded version of the ball from the previous frame. Click on the ball symbol, and adjust its position slightly downward to simulate the descent after the bounce.

Go to the frame 7 where the ball is at its lowest point before ascending Move the ball where you want the bounce to happen. Make sure its bottom touches the ground. Now let’s squash the ball when it hits the ground.

Select the Free Transform tool (Q) and squash the ball (when there is an animation of an object falling, it gets flattened AND LONGER when it touches the ground). Make sure you adjust the position of the ball so that it touches the ground. 

Click the modify choose "Transform," and then “Rotate 90 degrees CW, to add a squash effect simulating impact with the ground.

·         select the Free Transform tool (Q) and stretch the ball (make it taller and narrower).

Continue the process of moving the ball, applying  stretch in  and inserting key frames for each significant motion

  • Adjust the rotation and deformation of the ball as needed to convey a sense of elasticity and impact. 

·         In frame 17, the ball hits the ground.   Click modify choose "Transform," and then “Rotate 90 degrees CW”

·         Repeat it until frame 19

Save your project.

   - Export your animation in the desired format.

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